Yoga was previously a niche practice with a small number of followers, but as it has become more mainstream, a growing number of people are recognising the physical and mental benefits that this comprehensive practice can provide. 

As people of all ages and abilities begin to practice yoga, there has never been a more vital time to ensure that your yoga services receive the attention they deserve in order to outperform your competition. 

But if you’re planning to take your skills online, what makes you think that your competition isn’t? A professional yoga website design may truly help you put your name on the map as a yoga teacher or owner of a yoga business.

Yoga’s growing popularity has undoubtedly increased the number of yoga teachers and yoga studios springing up around the country. If you’re planning on being a yoga teacher, you’ll quickly realise that attracting attention is essential if you want to flourish in a crowded market.
Exly creates websites exclusively for yoga teachers and yoga studios, so we’re well-equipped to help you stand out. With our customised site design, we strive to get your name visible on search engines and higher up the ranks than your competitors. You may have a lot of questions before starting as an online Yoga coach. Read through the article to get most of your questions answered and why you must choose Exly.

I’m good at Yoga, but I don’t have a certification. Can I still be a coach?

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The ultimate purpose of being a Yoga coach is to assist the individual in transcending the self and achieving enlightenment by performing Yoga. If you feel that becoming a certified yoga instructor can turn out to be something that you have always wanted to do, you must go for it. 

You must take the time to completely grasp what it takes to become a yoga teacher before beginning the countdown to being a certified yoga instructor. Explore how you want to deepen your yoga practice, where you want to see the most personal progress, and what kind of yoga teacher training programme best matches your life. If you feel that it is a difficult task we assure you it is not.

 It is a thrilling adventure for you to start in your life. A solid teacher training programme will not only equip you to teach yoga, but it will also help you grow yourself. 

How do I start as a Yoga Instructor?

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When you first start, everything about running a business can appear to be daunting. You don’t want to make a mistake, but you lack the essential experience to avoid all of the various harmful scenarios along the journey. 

In the world of coaching, the implications may be much higher, as the last thing you want to do when you begin guiding and advising your first customers is to make a mistake. 

Obtaining your yoga teacher certification is more than just putting in the practice hours to prepare for training, selecting a programme at a well-known yoga school, and handing over your cash. Even if you have excellent teaching abilities and asana memorization, becoming a yoga instructor will require far more than that. You may have a lot of questions in mind like ‘How do I make enough money’, and ‘How to target the right audience’, most of these questions have been answered here. You must continue reading the article to get most of these questions answered.

Is it possible to make enough money by teaching Yoga?

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Global Industry Insights, which is a worldwide market research and management consulting firm that serves major enterprises, non-profit organisations, universities, and government agencies,  predicts that the online fitness market will develop at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of more than 30% through 2026. That’s a fancy way of stating that the market is massive and the possibility to start your own profitable yoga business which is in accordance with the current online marketing trends.

Lets discuss various strategies to generate money as a yoga instructor online:-

1. Establish A Virtual Yoga Studio :

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Moving your yoga studio online can significantly increase your income.

Unless you have studios throughout the country, there’s a fair probability that there are many people who would benefit from your classes but couldn’t before. That’s where an online yoga studio comes in handy. With a virtual studio, you can reach more people and earn more money.

2. Provide Live Yoga Courses :

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One of the most successful methods to raise awareness and revenue is to include live yoga sessions in your class offerings. According to one survey, live streaming earns 27% more minutes of viewing time than on-demand programming. For studio owners, this means that even if there is a hitch or two, the best-produced on-demand yoga session may not do as well as a live stream.

3. Create A Community :

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The best yoga teachers are experts at community building, but doing it online frequently requires trial and error. Unless you’ve previously created online fitness content, you’re going to learn a lot (and improve a lot) as you go.

The good news is that your path to becoming an online community builder can also become your customers’ path. You can create an inclusive community that people want to join if your content meets them where they are in their yoga practice.

4. Merchandise :

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Selling products isn’t only a method to make customers feel like they’re part of an exclusive club; it’s also a practical strategy to make money online by establishing a yoga community.

Since the move towards online learning was dramatically accelerated due to COVID-19, we continue to discover how online learning benefits people. Creating your virtual Yoga studio with Exly will help you in a lot of ways as we will not just help you with developing your website but also implement various marketing strategies like PPC Advertising, Email marketing and SEO & SEM Services to reach the right audience for your virtual studio.

Why should I open a virtual Yoga studio?

Doing Yoga from home has grown in popularity since it is more flexible and saves time and energy. In the last few years, yoga has become more popular because people can take online yoga courses and learn from home. If you want to be a yoga instructor, the best way to get started is to open a virtual studio. You can provide live Yoga courses along with assistance to your clients. With Exly’s creator tool, you can easily handle your website. We will not only help you with creating a virtual studio but will work with you to implement various strategies to market your courses in the right manner and get you the right audience.

I’m planning on being a Yoga coach, how do I target the right audience?

There are numerous reasons why someone decides to establish an online course. But what is the one motivation that everyone shares? They are assisting their students in seeing results. When your students see results, they will be happier, more likely to promote your course to their friends, and make future purchases from you. Making sure you’re marketing to the proper people, or identifying the correct audience for your online course, is the key to assisting your students in seeing results.

It’s so simple to try to sell your online course to anyone who will pay. However, restricting your audience and marketing strategies can help you target the people who are most likely to be satisfied with your services. One of the most common errors we see online companies make is not knowing who they’re selling to. When you don’t even know who your target audience is, it’s difficult to market a product to them. Finding the ideal audience for online courses is the most enjoyable element of the research process. First, look up your course topic and relevant words and phrases on Google. Take a look at the outcomes.

  • What websites are appearing?
  • What are the parallels you’re noticing?
  • Is there a specific group of people that are interested in your topic?

Consider producing a short course first to get your foot in the door and grow your following before diving into your main course. This lead magnet will be given away for free in exchange for an email address. You should never start from scratch when choosing a mini-course topic. Instead, start with your main course and work backwards. Start with a select section of your main course that you believe would be an excellent mini-course transformation. To take a gardening example, if your online course walks your students through the process of getting started with their backyard garden from beginning to end, consider offering the first module as a free mini-course.

Finding your audience for your online course and getting them to sign up requires more than just creating your mini-course. It takes a lot of promotion to get your name out there, especially if you’re new to the world of online marketing. You’ll have a good base to start from once you have individuals signed up for your short course and in your funnel.

How can Exly help you with selling and marketing your yoga courses to the right audience?

Exly is a platform designed to let independent professionals and creators establish, manage, and sell their online sessions, classes, one-on-one consultations, and seminars. You get to acquire new leads, offer subscriptions, and monetise your expertise. 

Exly creates stunning pages with simple scheduling, automated communication, payment processing, and analytics. We also assist you in generating leads and increasing conversion for your business. We have a team of highly qualified professionals that work together on various marketing tactics for your virtual sessions. 

You can reach the unreachable by developing an online presence, and you can increase your digital marketing efforts (even on a very small scale) to reach up to 4-5% of the population, which would be impossible otherwise owing to financial constraints. By building an online presence, you can reach people you wouldn’t be able to reach otherwise, and you can increase your digital marketing efforts (even on a very small scale) to reach up to 4-5% of the population, which you couldn’t do otherwise because of cost. Globally operating businesses have extensive marketing resources, making it easy for them to reach every country. 
If you can afford those marketing costs, great; if not, Exly as a platform can help you significantly at an affordable cost to sell and market your yoga courses.


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