Fitness Trainer Yogratnam Grew 26.7x in Business Revenue with Exly

26.7X Revenue Growth For Yogratnam with Exly-03

In the online space today, there are many online fitness trainers, which translates to a lot of competition in terms of clients and pricing. In order to become a successful online personal fitness coach you need to have more than just a passion for fitness, you need to have an acute sense of business and a strategy for not just running your business but expanding your clients.

It is a good thing that fitness is a booming industry in India and in the busy, post-pandemic world people are on the lookout for online personal fitness trainers. Virtual personal trainers can make good money by providing online fitness training to high-end clients. For attracting high-end clients for your online fitness consultation you need to first have a legitimate certification in the field of fitness and nutrition and more importantly, have a brand name that goes with a professional business website.

It would be best to say everything is connected and in order to become a successful online fitness coach, you will need to take care of many small things that make a huge difference when added together. 

Who is Yogratnam?

Yogratnam, an MBA graduate from Lucknow University, is a certified Yoga instructor and a dietician. He carries three diploma certificates, two in the field of Yoga and one in the French language. Pursuing his interest in Yoga, he founded a health & fitness community of 7.5 Lakh+ fitness enthusiasts and counting.

Yogratnam’s interest in fitness started in his early days watching his father, who happens to be a National Yoga Champion. He started as a fitness instructor in 2006 when he was just 11 years old and gradually grew his expertise in the field after working at multiple institutes.

The Challenge: Low lead conversion and a lot of manual mundane tasks

Yogratnam was running an offline business wherein he sold his diet plans and X-day fitness challenges to his clients locally. Furthermore, he had to put manual repetitive efforts into each and every client to convince them of how the plans would do wonders for them. The most obvious hurdle was the low conversion rate which led to a stagnation in his business growth.

Exly helped me build a credible brand with a professional website where I could upload my courses, showcase my past work and display testimonials of happy clients.


Yogratnam found that he did not have a platform in place wherein he could list all his content and pitch the same to the clients. Before Exly, he was pitching the plans through PDFs and sharing transformation pictures for credibility, individually with each potential client which was an extremely time-consuming and tedious process. Therefore, capturing and converting leads in multiple places became a roadblock in his business journey.

How Would Yogratnam Describe A Day In His Life As A Fitness Coach?

When asked how he manages all his chores related to running a business online, he said that the answer is quite simple. That is, if someone loves their job, they wouldn’t mind going the extra mile, however, if that is not the case, every effort will feel like a burden and it will get difficult to manage their business. The former being Yogratnam’s case, he also mentioned that it is even entertaining for him to be a coach. 

Yogratnam also added that he keeps himself available to his students throughout the day. While the work of many creators stops at instructing their students, Yogratnam believes in helping them out with all of their problems on a one-on-one basis and maintaining an approachable outlook.

As difficult as that sounds, Yogratnam adds, that the life of a coach is not all as very shiny as one might believe. It never stops at just body-building aesthetics and yoga stretches. However, the biggest motivation that makes him go during such times is his efforts yielding good results. He also claimed that any creator who sees his efforts not going to waste and generating good revenue will be more than willing to cover the extra mile needed.

How Did Exly Make Things Better?

Yogratnam revealed that when team Exly approached him, he was very reluctant to join and had a lot of second thoughts. He kept delaying things for more than two months. He even did his own research on the internet but still had a hard time taking his business to a platform and changing his traditional course of action. That’s when our POC reached out to Yogratnam and convinced him to start a free demo trial. 

Yogratnam added that initially, he was quite impressed with Exly’s features while using the demo trail, however, the prime turning point was when he received his first income from Exly. On the first day of joining Exly, Yogratnam said, revealing the figures, he received an individual payment of Rupees 4,600. In the following two days, he earned a lump sum of rupees 17,000. However, what struck chords with Yogratnam was not the amount of money he earned, but rather the way he earned it.

He stated that, unlike his previous methods, he approached no client for purchasing his course directly, he didn’t list his services individually or convince them. Rather, potential clients themselves found out about his course through Exly’s performance marketing strategies, checked Yogratnam’s services out on his website, created through Exly, checked out all the offers themselves, and purchased their desired course. Yogratnam simply got notified about the purchase along with the customer’s WhatsApp number. That is when he thought “yeh toh yaar bahut easy hai (this is way too easy).”

Now, Yogratnam has reached a position where, from lead conversion to client communication, payment integration to marketing, everything is automated through Exly, without all those extra efforts he was spending all these previous years.

Yogratnam’s First 10 Customers On Exly

Sharing the actual figures of his earnings, Yogratnam said that he earned a lump sum of more than Rupees 50,000 through his first 10 customers on Exly. He added that it didn’t take long for him to reach that point of income after joining our team and the total revenue was generated through complete organic reach, that is, without any efforts from Yogratnam’s team. 

One of his customers even reached out to Yogratnam himself and asked for suggestions as to which course they should enroll in. Hence, what took Yogratnam a team of people and a lot of time and labor, was now being automatically and organically performed, thanks to Exly.

The Outcome: 26.7x Revenue Growth in just 1 year of joining Exly

The outcome of automating his business with Exly was immense revenue growth for Yogratnam in every quarter. He experienced 27x growth in his business revenue and 38x more leads in comparison to his first month. These two factors played an incredible factor in calling Yogratnam’s journey, a success story.

About Exly

Exly is an all-in-one business platform built for creators & knowledge professionals to launch, manage and grow their business online. It’s a business-in-a-box solution optimized for capturing, converting, and managing leads professionally.

At Exly, you can create, sell, market, and manage live classes, recorded courses, 1-1 appointments/ consultations, workshops, and more.

Exly is built for everyone who wants to become an entrepreneur and grow their business exponentially by going online. We encourage independent professionals, coaches, instructors, studios, experts, influencers, and creators to start their business journey with high returns and low investments.

Shriya Sarang

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