13 Proven Ways To Market Your Online Courses And Increase Sales

market your online courses
Businesses are utilizing digital marketing by making significant investments in it after realizing the advantages of sustained marketing and advertising. Digital marketing has evolved beyond traditional marketing approaches and has gone far beyond simple awareness-raising and targeted advertising. Both individuals and businesses are using these technologies to interact with their audience because they recognize their importance in today’s environment. The same is true when considering strategies to Market Your Online Courses.

Today’s youth actually finds it impossible to make a commitment to something without first researching its reputation on various social media sites. If a company wants to have a chance of surviving, it must have a website, testimonials, and reviews.

Testimonials, and reviews

But why pluck out hairs worrying over survival when you can actually thrive instead? The good news is, gone are the days when you needed to get a degree to be a marketing Guru. The recipe to elevate your business and take it to the next level, nowadays, is some spoons of the presence of mind and a lot of knowledge about the trends and what’s happening around. 

And for the rest of the ingredients? Hold tight because that is exactly what we are going to cover in this blog. 

Why do you need to market your online courses at all?

Selling online courses is essentially the same as printing money if you believe some of the buzzes you hear on the Internet. It is claimed that once a course is created, it can be sold indefinitely many times. 

Market your online courses

That’s unfortunately a little too good to be true. Your online course cannot sell itself, just like any other good or service. Like any other offer you are offering, selling a course requires work.

The market for online learning has become increasingly congested as a result of the widespread perception that taking online courses is a simple way to generate “passive” income. Therefore, if you want your course to become a dependable source of income, your course marketing plan must be effective.

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13 Ideas to Market Your Online Course in 2022

What do you do now that you have an online course and have improved it such that the entire world can benefit from it?

How do you spark people’s curiosity so they sign up for it? The following marketing tactics will help you get your online course off the ground quickly.

1. Social media

The most effective digital marketing tool you have at your disposal is social media. Whatever medium you decide to use, you should start the announcement of your course with tidbits of information that will hook the audience once it is introduced. Deliver valuable material that draws in your target audience as your social media following expands. That content might occasionally need to come from someone other than you.

The key to effective social media marketing for online courses is consistency. Your readers will develop the habit of returning frequently to check for fresh content. You will already have an engaged user base at your disposal when you launch your online course.

It is quite easy and free to create a community on Facebook or Instagram. As people start exploring your group, they will talk with their network about your class, so these two platforms are quite popular with teachers. 

2. Become a Podcast Guest to market your online courses

Podcast guest

The importance of guest posting cannot be overlooked, especially when working on SEO to market a product. The same can be done for your online course. Reach out to popular podcasts and ask if you can offer some free help.

Seek out opportunities to offer others in your profession high-quality content. Both parties benefit from this situation: they receive free content for their audience while you get to do free promotion of your online course.

3. Produce a YouTube promotional video

With 30 million daily visitors, YouTube has overtaken Google as the second most popular search engine. Users use YouTube to find entertainment, knowledge, and education. Some of these users will fit the description of your ideal pupils, making them the conduits through which your efforts in digital marketing will succeed.

Create a promotional film specifically for your course that will engage future potential students as well as market your course.

4. Use SEO to market online courses


Most producers of online courses are only genuinely passionate about producing a top-notch course using their skills and experience. Few of them have any knowledge of SEO, or “search engine optimization”. 

In today’s market, SEO is essential. Even if it’s a long-term marketing strategy, it can be a mistake to not use SEO to market your online course. It takes a lot of effort to implement an SEO strategy that works. A plan must be continually worked on; it cannot just be implemented and left alone

5. Design a No-Cost Mini-Course

Although this tactic needs some work, it is undoubtedly worth it. A complimentary mini-course functions as a kind of teaser for the course you’re delivering.

The students will receive a taste of what you have to offer while learning how in-depth your subject is. Your mini-course will educate the students on how little knowledge they have of your area if it is organized well, and from there, selling the complete course will be simple.

6. Hold a live webinar

For those who are not interested in podcasts, this is a great alternative. A webinar often has a structured format and lasts 45 to 60 minutes.

You won’t need to find fresh content every time you have a webinar. All you need to do is execute your webinar script flawlessly, and you can ride that wave for a very long time. It can always be fine-tuned over time to increase value. You must cover the subject thoroughly in your online course, touch on any problems, and close with a call to action. You can also run advertisements for your webinar to see how quickly your course starts to sell.

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7. Issue coupon codes to market your online courses

Aside from being a successful marketing strategy, giving your online course a discount also achieves the following two goals:

  • Production of monetary gain
  • It creates a framework for gathering comments and recommendations.

The early success of your online course can be predicted by these crucial elements. While learning how to sell your online course, you can also use the money generated by this tactic.

8. Request Feedback From Your Current Students


Since third-party reviews cannot be altered or concealed, the majority of internet users believe them. Get your current students to rate your course by registering it on review sites like LinkedIn Learning.

Expect some criticism along the way and take it as an opportunity to do better. To deal with any negative reviews, find a cooperative solution. This can be accomplished by acting quickly, expressing regret and empathy while also making an offer or providing compensation.

It is important to use all the comments provided to improve the learning experience for all upcoming students.

9. Contribute to guest blogs to market your online courses

When considering how to advertise your online course, guest blogging is underrated. Usually, you’ll be writing content for someone person’s publication. This free content development is worthwhile because the aim is to increase the number of people who see your product.

Typically, you can link to two or more locations, such as your sales website, blogs, and social networking accounts. In the comments section, you can interact with the publisher’s readers and foster new connections. This raises awareness of your product among audiences you might not have been able to reach otherwise.

10. Work along with other online educators

Here, who you know will be more useful than what you know. Speak with other experts in your field who can aid in promoting your course. They may sign up as clients, purchase your course, and provide feedback. They could even promote you to their entire following on social media.

This may lead to further collaboration with other non-competing subject-matter experts, which will be helpful for any additional courses you design. Influencers in your niche might give you a unique technique to promote your course.

11. Using Facebook Ads and Google Ads

Running ads

You’ve heard the phrase, “You have to spend money to make money,” and this is certainly true of promoting an online course. It is indeed effective to run paid advertisements to market your online courses. Other advantages of using Facebook advertisements or Google Ads to market your online courses include:

  • Simple to monitor the success
  • faster outcomes
  • incredibly focused on your audience

How thoroughly you have researched your desired platform will determine how well your paid advertising campaign performs. Make sure your audience uses the media you’ve chosen frequently to avoid losing money on your investment.

12. Publishers Commissions for Reviewing Your Course

When you pay a commission, several platforms will provide you with eagerly awaited reviews for your online course. This approach to marketing your online course will greatly increase sales and revenue. The publisher not only makes money, but you also get to spread the word about your online course. They receive a commission for each sale that is made through the publisher. That is a minimal price to pay considering how many customers you will attract quickly.

This is an affiliate strategy to market your online courses that benefits the advertiser as well as the publisher.

13. Write a press statement

When your online course is finished and prepared to launch, your goal should be to spread the word. The best method for doing it is through a press release. You release information that journalists can use.

Making writers write about your online course is one method to engage your target audience. Create a compelling press release to help it stand out from the dozens of news pieces that are read on any given day.‍


Now that you have a course to sell and some amazing marketing techniques in your hand, it is important to also keep in mind that your promises must adhere to the service you are proving. No great marketing strategy can cover up for a mediocre product, or even if it does, the marketing will not be sustainable.

Another important factor to keep in mind is that businesses often miss out on updating themselves along with their sales. When you conduct a marketing drive, it is more than obvious that your business will witness more lead conversion. In such cases, you might need to automate a lot of your procedures which was previously manual.

A great way to do that is by using professional business tools like Exly, which are crafted according to the creator’s needs. You can conduct a lot of actions from the range of automated e-mails or messages to clients, conduction of webinars, product listings, etc.

Try out now and join the team of successful creators and entrepreneurs from all over the world! 


Professional dog cuddler, part time content writer.

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