Strategies and Techniques to Gain SEO Rank in 2024

SEO remains a very crucial factor for businesses. It helps them scale themselves in search results. SEO helps your site rank among other businesses and stay visible to the online audience. High rank in the search engine builds a sense of trust and credibility among online visitors. It improves the image of the brand. Once your site rank well in any of the search engines, SEO turns out to be ‌cost-effective in the longer run.

But a question arises, how can a business owner do so? How can we practice SEO in such a manner that will aid our online growth? Well, in this blog, we will discuss several strategies and techniques to gain SEO rank in 2024.

What is the current SEO landscape in 2024?

Search engines like Google and Bing have been emphasizing more on the quality of the content.

To grow in 2024, businesses must aim for quality content and publishing consistently. Adopting an audience-first approach, and redefining how they define success.

Local SEO will be beneficial for local businesses more than ever. It will increase your visibility, which can lead to more website traffic. Local SEO will also provide you with a competitive edge against other local businesses.

Google has also introduced Google Search Generative Experience (SGE). In 2024, users would stay on Google search results pages rather than going to several webpages to get information. It provides a new way for users to get the information they need from ‌search results using AI. It summarizes search results according to the search query. SGE will generate information according to the search results, which will be more conversational and focus more on detail. SGE is an‌ example of the rise of Zero-Click searches. Zero-Click searches are a type of search where the user gets their information they need from a search results page.

In 2024, we will see a movement of users from Google’s dominance in search to different search alternatives. A lot of different platforms like Reddit, TikTok, Youtube, and Pinterest can get the spotlight. These platforms provide solutions to different users’ problems and needs. 

Answer Engine Optimization (AEO) is the process of optimizing various types of content for answer engines. Some of these answer engines are like OpenAI ChatGPT, Microsoft Bing chatbot, and Google SGE. AEO promotes the shift from optimization of keywords to a more intent-driven approach. Which provides errorless and precise answers to user-specific queries.

In 2024, Video SEO will be a very important component for organic website rankings and user engagement. The importance of video SEO for businesses online cannot be overstated. Webpages with video content are more likely to be ranked higher among webpages aiming for the same goal as you. Video content has become a more important factor for SEO as it encourages more user engagement. Video SEO focuses on optimizing video content to rank higher in search results. Video SEO also includes Youtube SEO optimization. The link between SEO and Youtube is worthy of attention as Youtube boasts as the second-largest search engine, after Google. Youtube SEO optimization refers to the optimization of video content for Youtube. Strategies for Youtube SEO include optimizing description tags, thumbnails, tags, and video titles.

Content Optimization to gain SEO rank

Content Optimization is a very crucial part of gaining a better SEO ranking. It takes care of your website rankings, and delivers better Click-Through rates (CTR). There are various ways you can optimize your content.

Regular Content Updates

Content published online can become outdated in the ever-evolving industry. Updating your audience with updated and quality content will keep your audience engaged. The algorithms of search engines like Google, Bing, and DuckDuckGo value and promote content that is fresh and updated. Regular content updates also provide a competitive advantage over other businesses.

Social Media Integration

Integration with social media allows you to share your content across various social media platforms. Users engaging with your content on social media can lead to a gain in traffic to your website. There are many ways to do Social Media Integration. It can be done by including social sharing buttons, creating highly engaging social media posts, using hashtags, and regularly optimizing based on collected insights, and staying up to date with social media trends.

Image optimization

While uploading images into your webpage. Consider giving it a generic file name like “image1.jpg”, instead give it a more unique name that suits the image you are uploading like “marketing-seminar.jpg”. Image optimization is important because image filenames provide search engines with information which helps search engines index and rank your images accurately in the search results.

Meta Description Optimization

Meta Description are short summary of the content being displayed for the users on the website. A well-created meta description can improve Click-Through Rate (CTR), increased visibility in search results, and increased web traffic. You can try including keywords in your meta description. Crafting unique meta descriptions, focusing on the unique selling point of your content, making sure easy-to-read language in the description

Improve UX (User-Experience)

To improve User Experience, we need to understand the intent of our users. This can be done through intensive keyword research. Creating content that tackles users questions, problems, and their pain points, and using keywords that have high search volume and low competition. By designing a clear navigation for your website, users can easily flow through your website without any hassle. This can be done by adopting a logical navigation structure, having descriptive menu labels, and having a usable search bar.

SEO Optimization Techniques

SEO Optimization is a very crucial factor for businesses to flourish in online landscape and attract users. Optimizing your website can lead to increased web traffic, brand credibility, and awareness, lead generation, and improved user engagement. There are two types of SEO Optimization – On-page SEO and Off-page SEO Optimization

On-page SEO Optimization

There are several ways by which we can optimize On-Page SEO:

  1. Keyword Research

Keyword research is done by understanding the intention in your audience’s mind. Brainstorm various keywords related to your business and try to find more information about them. Find data about those keywords that will help your site rank like search volume, level of competition, keyword difficulty. Competitor Analysis is another way by which we can get high-quality keywords.

  1. Internal Linking

Internal linking is linking one webpage to another webpage of the same website through hyperlinking. Internal linking promotes enhanced indexing and crawling, improves website rankings.

  1. External Linking

External linking is linking one website to another webpage of a different website through hyperlinking. External linking enhances authority and credibility, improves user experience, improves SEO, builds networks and relationships, diversifies content, and increases traffic.

  1. Mobile Optimization

Mobile optimization refers to optimizing the website according to mobile devices like smartphones, tablets, etc. Mobile optimization has different aspects like responsive design, mobile-friendly navigation, optimized content, and mobile-focused SEO elements.

  1. Page Speed

Page speed optimization is a very important component in On-Page SEO optimization. It refers to how fast ‌a website loads and renders the elements and content of the website. Users generally like to have fast page speed to save their time. Various search engines like Google and Bing, consider page speed to be a very crucial factor in ranking a website. This can be achieved by minimizing HTTP requests, optimizing images, enabling compression, and setting up browser caching.

Off-Page SEO Optimization  

There are several ways by which we can optimize Off-Page SEO  

  1. Link Building

Aim to acquire backlinks from reputed websites. Various search engines consider backlinks as a crucial factor to measure your site’s authority. When it comes to backlinks, quality often matters more than quantity.

  1. Social Bookmarking

Social bookmarking revolves around saving ‌webpages on public websites and online forums, which allows different users to view the webpages and share them with others. There are several sites for bookmarking, like – Reddit, Digg, and Pinterest.

Social bookmarking increases your website’s visibility, and generates traffic. The best practices for social bookmarking are to share High-Quality content, use tags and descriptions that are relevant, and consistent communication with the community.

  1. Track your backlink profile

Backlink profile is a group of all incoming links to your website from external sources. These links are very important as they determine your website’s authority and relevance. Consistently checking your backlink profile is necessary to understand the health and quality of your website’s backlink profile. There are several tools for checking backlinks, like Google Search Console, Ahrefs, Semrush, and Moz.

  1. Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is collaborating with individuals who have many followers online, having influence over a specific niche. Influencers have ‌targeted reach. They can increase brand awareness, have high levels of engagement with their followers, and have the power to influence consumer behavior and purchasing decisions.

Keyword Research in 2024

In 2024, keyword research still continues to be a very important factor in SEO. The algorithms, technologies, and behavior of the user continues to evolve as rapidly as ever. Here are some approaches to keyword research:

Keyword Expansion and Diversification

Keyword expansion includes adding new terms and phrases to the list of keywords, so that you keep up with the ever-evolving trends in the industry. Diversification helps in reaching a broader audience by exploring various avenues. This can be done by aiming beyond specific keywords and by exploring topics that are relevant to your industry.

Analyze Data and Iterative Optimization

This includes tracking key metrics like Click-Through Rate (CTR), search volume, and conversion rate. Tracking changes in the performance of the keywords to identify upcoming trends and establishing patterns. This can be done by staying updated about ‌changes in the algorithms of search engines and in user behavior.

Long-Tail Keywords

Businesses get the ability to target highly specific niche audiences through long-tail keywords. Long-tail keywords often have low search volume in comparison to main keywords. By targeting long-tail keywords, users who are in the process of purchasing can be reached and could be persuaded to convert into customer.

Analytics and Measurement

Traffic sources

The traffic driven to the website comes from various sources. The sources include organic search, paid search, referrals, social media campaigns, and direct. But among all these, the best way to get traffic is through organic search. It is the traffic you get from the search engine results pages (SERPs), without paying.

Keyword conduction

As a content creator, it becomes very important for you to keep track of the ranks of your keywords. Tracking the ranks of your keywords is a crucial factor in improving their SEO. Tools like SEMrush, Moz Pro, Google Search Console, and Rank Tracker help to track keywords

Tracking metrics

Analytics tools give you the ability to track SEO metrics. SEO metrics include ‌conversion rate, bounce rate, click-through rate, keyword rankings. Tracking metrics provides you with quantitative data on your website and content. It helps with identifying the areas where optimization is a must, setting different goals, and measuring ROI.


In conclusion, ‌content remains the king. Creating engaging, high-quality content is essential for user engagement and provides more value. SEO is changing and evolving according to algorithm updates, new technologies, competitive factors, and industry evolution. Businesses and creators can leverage new search features like Google’s Search Generative Experience (SGE) and optimize their content. Optimizing On-page and Off-page SEO together will produce better results for your website. Practicing consistent keyword research, building internal links, and making the website more mobile-friendly.

With the assistance Exly provides, businesses and creators would be greatly aided with a suite of tools. Those tools would help them immensely to boost their online presence. Exly is an all-in-one platform that is designed to benefit individuals, professionals, businesses, and creators to grow online. With Exly, they can build customized webpages, track analytics, manage content workflow, and run targeted marketing campaigns. Exly simplifies internal linking, keyword research, and streamlines the process of optimization. Businesses can integrate effective SEO strategies that will refine their site rank and achieve their goals in today’s dynamic landscape. Exly crosses out using multiple platforms and tools, as it centralizes all the processes and tasks in a single platform.

Shriya Sarang

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